Monday, July 03, 2006
I was the slackest I ever was today. I had to rush to school with uncombed hair, the slackest cropped pants and t-shirt, and make-up worn anyhow. rupa aku macam badut agaknya tadi. hahaha. although no one laughed at me, I was laughing at myself ok.
alas, I was about 20 minutes late la. I guess the upside of being in a private school is that there is no penalty imposed on latecomers. when I was in JC, I would always be late for 3 days per week at least. cikgu pun tanya aku ok ke tak. I've never realised this before but maybe turning up late frequently is considered abnormal.
oh, I love abnormal psychology! Mr I-can't-recall-his-name-although-I-just-saw-him-a-few-hours-ago was saying that it is abnormal if you were to talk to your parents or teachers the same way you talk to your friends. hmmm parents, yes. teachers, no way. I don't respect teachers whom I dislike. remember Old Virginic Moron? yes, the fucking OVM. for your information, it's not easy for me to forgive and forget. I won't forgive you if you say I can't think because I know I have a lot of smarts.
just a diversion by the way. was walking home with Sheryl after school while puffing away. I love how friends there actually provide cigarettes for me. haha. I've always depended on free cigarettes eversince my mother caught me smoking in my room.
ah ok, I'm off to town. it's been awhile.