Wednesday, June 28, 2006
I am folding a pile of clothes at 2.12am (while typing on Blogger). I wonder which sane person will ever do this.
I've been visiting my grandmother so often these few days. I slept at her house for three days straight and I dropped by again when I was hanging around her area that day. I guess I've been doing it so often that a friend actually asked earlier today if I wasn't going to visit her again.
I thought that was a rather cynical remark because maybe his mindset is such that going to your grandparents' is so un-cool and boring.
but I'd rather be labelled as such than be an ungrateful granddaughter who doesn't express gratitude for the woman who brought your mother into this world, and without your mother, what makes you think there'll be YOU?
I'm beginning to reckon that young people nowadays care more about their friends than kinship. a friend of yours may jolly well be a temporary factor of your life but your family will be there for you for an eternity.
anyway, my point is, it'll be so wrong of you if you were to say things about your own grandmother for goodness sake. vide the excerpt below.
Juz viewed dela cruz's photolog...hmmm..first and foremost congrats to cuzzin bro Taufik on his engagement with Hidayah...and here's something to ponder..somehow there's a BIG QUESTION MARK in my head..conflicts is a norm in my familia...many people in a family...prone to have conflicts..yang mana mulut laser...yang mana jeolous...yang mana tak boleh kalah....yang mana anggek....and so on and so forth.....it just happen...and it's happening....why nenek is being biased?why?kenapa bila my family ada apa2 majlis..we must go and invite in order of hierachy?especially si sipolan tu......kena jemput pergi ke rumah satu2..pakai telepon tak pakai? nak buat apa2 mesti nak discuss with everybody...ok to take things easy..on a positive view....nenek wants us to respect others......the rightful way....mengikut adat....alhamdulillah kita masih boleh mendengar kata nenek...tapi kenapa bila apit nak tunang..nobody actually voice out ...when actually semua dah plan..even my closest cuzzin Ana didn't actually tell me.malahan dah pergi meminang.and yes nenek also followed to go meminang and yet keeping it from mama...and mama is the eldest among all and still kept in the dark..so it's that fair?...not being petty or what...but at least have the same respect I and family gave to si sipolan....tunang is a good thing but the reason nenek gave was.."ini amanah orang..." amanah?nak tunang itu amanah?sedangkan itu satu perkara yang baik? kenapa nenek tak boleh nasihatkan si sipolan sama macam mana nenek nasihat kita...if it's amanah why the youngest aunty,Wina already knew first when apit is getting engaged.I actually talked on the phone with Umi and yes she also knew that apit is getting engaged on the 12th of Feb...so if it's amanah,how come so many people already know except my family??
that was a part of an entry taken from my cousin's blog. to view the rest, click here.
in the first place, what is your status that allowed you to consider nenek as biased with no guilt trip? you actually have no clue what is happening in the family so my advice to you is wait till you have the facts before jumping to a conclusion.
you said sipolan's husband was being childish when he started to text you. aren't you being childish too when you tell the whole wide world how corrupted your relatives are? if you think we are going to refute whatever you have said through blogging, you're goddamn wrong. I'm not going to stain my blog by vilifying my own relatives exactly like what you have done. they are not going to voice out their arguments cowardly through typewritten words either.
and don't say now that you were not expecting that from us because you wouldn't have checked out my blog regularly otherwise.
don't you realise that you are the unsatisfied party? from your recent entries, it is blatant that you're the one who's unhappy with the way things are right now. since that is the case, we shouldn't be the ones to meet you.
you said I was irrrational when I told my mother about your entry. for FUCK'S sake, you know that I read your blog yet you had the effrontery to bad-mouth my mother. how did you expect me to keep mum about it?! which daughter wouldn't want to stand up for her mother's right???????!!!!!!!!!!!!
lest you don't know this, I don't need to seek permission from you before I can tell anyone about your blog. I will decide who I want to convey the information to and even so, I'm still in the right frame of mind by telling only those people whose names are being mentioned in your blog.
it does not matter whether you are praising or criticizing your relatives. either way, if someone is being talked about in a person's blog, the former party will still be affected. if you're mad at me for telling our relatives what you have written, it seems that you never wanted them to know what you feel towards them. so I wonder why you blogged about them in the first place.
perhaps you should just stop blogging because it's really a pity you don't know what blogging is all about. a blog is an online diary and anybody in this world is free to read it. there's also a limit to what you can write and if you fail to abide by the law, don't be surprise if you see yourself getting free food and lodging.
let me make this clear. my blog will not be a victim to our family strife. if you are bitter, meet them. they are waiting too. problems can never be solved through the virtual world and it's damn ridiculous of you to assume that all your relatives will get the message imparted in your blog because as it seems, I am the only blogger among them and I am also the only one who has internet connection at home.
so as long as you continue doing your foolish acts, I will keep reiterating this: you're just a gutless, brainless loser.