Thursday, July 21, 2005
I'm shuttling between blogging and doing my social studies essay. at the rate I'm going, I don't think I'll finish it any soon. sigh.
so many things to talk about but so little time. basically I've been bringing a little personal notebook to doodle on every day this week. I realised that it'd be much more worthwhile if I do something useful e.g reflecting on my daily life rather than stare into space or merely into people's faces whenever I'm on board the MRT.
for the first time after about a month, I went for band practice. at the end of the day, I was called up by the reigning band leader. I knew beforehand that I was going to be informed that I'd be sacked. well, I was ready for it. I mean, I was just thinking positive. my departure from band will provide me with ample time for my studies. anyway, when I met the band leader, she told me that I'd have to come regularly if I still want to be in the band. say...10 practices consecutively. still, it'll not be confirmed that I'd be granted with cca points for the past three years. the teachers in charge will still have to CONSIDER.
so tomorrow the night study programme commences. I'm hoping that it'd be of much benefit. I'm sure it will or I wouldn't have signed up in the first place.
heh I was oblivious that siti nurhaliza's concert happened yesterday. many of my acquaintances had gone to watch. jealous sak. have I mentioned how I yearned for a voice like hers? a voice with a lovely resonance to it, full of nuances and feeling. not to mention my envy for her drop-dead good looks. oh, her well-defined character and personality too. she's a very tough piece of work indeed. haha!
okay, think I better concentrate on my work.
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
it was mom's 47th birthday yesterday. first and foremost, I didn't even think she was anywhere near that age. perhaps a 45th. anyway, got her a very posh handbag which didn't cost so much. wee. I'm so glad that she liked it! she's so excited about bringing it to malacca when we go on a holiday later. hehe. love you mom!!
Saturday, July 16, 2005
wee. now that I'm aware of the newly opened banquet at vista point, I shall go there whenever hunger strikes. hehe. but the place was pretty secluded which explains the number of people who were there yesterday. nevertheless, I met mr ezra, a teacher in my current alma mater. oh well, singapore is just too tiny lah.
anyway, I ate an unusually big amount of carrot cake for 3 dollars plus a plate of popiah. my appetite has always been big when it's during my time of the month. after that, me, my mom and baby bro went to the hairdresser at the first level. my bro seriously needed a haircut - it kind of resembled a bird's nest. haha. at the same time, one of the hairstylists there kept asking me if I wanted a haircut too. I finally attested to it. didn't ask for a new hairstyle whatsoever lah. just asked for a trim. the split ends were making my hair look dead.
after paying for it, I was caught in a bombshell when mom reminded me that I was having my mensus. you know, I'm not supposed to lose any strands of hair during this period. then my sis began her attempt at scaring me with her ludicrous description of a white figure with my cut hair on her scalp, lingering around me while I sleep that night. it sure wasn't a futile attempt since she had been forced to sleep in my room that very night. haha.
so that's about yesterday. today stretched out in front of me like some bottomless canyon as I stayed in the library from morning till night. okay, I did go out of the building twice to get the house keys from my mom and to have my lunch. it wasn't really a perfect sight in the library I'd say. as I was sitting there, lovers strolled languidly by. I don't care if they had done what they had done outside. but this is a library. mind your antics lah siak. nak cium-cium boleh pergi park ke ape kan? fuckhead.
urrgh. oh maybe they had to do it in the library since it was raining. anyway, I wonder how is the BPGHS 45th anniversary dinner going on. I don't see why I should be there gracing the ceremony. it's over-rated anyway. and mom said that 40 dollars is too much to ask for for an event held in the friggin school field.
I hope that after tonight, the principal will be satisfied with the publicity that she's been craving for for the past few months. and hell, all this hard work is not for "us" but "you". you, you and you. or so mdm khalidah said.
Sunday, July 10, 2005
the different schools gave a wonderful performance at the Cheng San CC earlier today - so uplifting! sakinah and I had even talked about joining PA's malay dance troupe after the O levels. hehe. so we and eventually nizal who only came during the second half of the show, were there to applaud my wee darling cousin and her friends. my congrats sent to beatty secondary school for winning the championship. you girls totally deserved it. =)
tired now. went to eat at far east after the show ended. what seemed to be a glad occasion for hungry people to be finally eating turned out to be the opposite as we people ate to the sounds of Isabella by amy search (you know the very sad, slow rock malay song), followed by other jiwangers. hehe.
then cruised around town. it was a whole lot of fun because I was with dingy girls and a demented boy; each always up with his/her own set of jokes. haha.
I'm already so sleepy to elaborate lah. going to civics library probably in the morning tomorrow to do whatever revision that's needed.
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
sometimes I just don't know what I'm feeling. at other times I'm just not sure of what I'm doing. but little snags like that have never stopped me before. the minute I can't manage it, my temper will flare. if my heart can still sympathise, I'll start asking all the whys. why must this happen? why am I like this? why so full of hatred?
Monday, July 04, 2005
it's late, already past midnight, but I feel compelled to write. by right, I shouldn't be writing in here. but since I've no idea on what to write albeit the essay topic being a very general one, I shall let my random thoughts fill this page.
went to civics to study with rai and wani earlier today. didn't manage to study for four hours at least due to some circumstances. it's usual how a person just diverts her attention onto another thing that shouldn't be diverted to when there are friends around her. say...a question like "how do you define a beautiful woman or a handsome man?" is being imposed to you. hehe. uh, one reason why I'm beginning to practice going to the library alone.
anyhow...I'm hearing of more and more people saying that I don't look like a malay and when asked if I look like a cheena instead, those people will respond with a slight 'no'. so what? you think I look like an indian? or my race is undefined, you mean?
I forgot what else I wanted to write. ahh kay, time to hit the hay. I'm bushed.
Saturday, July 02, 2005
apparently I am back at school again, back in bt panjang govt high, back to incredible hulk's (read: my form teacher) scowls. what a way to start the first day of a school term; I was booked for latecoming on monday and tuesday consecutively. in fact, friday too but since there was a cca observation thingy, latecomers were being excused.
some highlights for the week are: students were released at 1040 on tuesday and school commenced at 0830 on wednesday. all due to the what appeared to be a va va voom prolific chinese opera performance held in victoria theatre by my school. I thought it was supposed to be a multiracial production? then why were there only two malays in the cast? forget about indians...I mean they want people who are easy to be made up. talk about schools being chinese dominated aye. tsk tsk.
anyhow, the major highlight is of course the BPian idol. like what the hell was malvin thinking huh? the host of an idol competition was wearing shorts? or was it bermudas? beach party eh bang...

then there was the small little cutey boy with a big voice. so cute lah. imagine him singing tom jone's song. hehe. one boo-boo was the von dutch shirt. why von dutccchhh???

oh this boy sitting beside me was actually reading like nobody's business while the competition was going on. right from the start till the end. haha. fad and I just couldn't help laughing.

all of the contestants during the prize presentation. 

we all took a picture with lis after the whole thing had ended. her voice was okay but she chose the wrong song. hilary duff's songs are not easy to carry unless you can match up to her high pitch voice. I think one crucial mistake some of the contestants made was choosing of his/her favourite song without taking into account their ability to reach to the expectation of the song itself. 2 major boo-boos: her dressing from the shoulders to the toes. if you want to wear this kind of skirt, it should come with a presentable blouse and not tshirt. the colour of the shoes was a bit off. since she was singing a rock song, everything had made it unacceptable.

now here's the Bpian idol of 2005. since it's an idol competition, the result was kind of expected. if it was talentime or any competiton that's judge-based, I seriously think syarafina would be the winner. at least she was the one who captured me throughout the performance. I mean she was the only one who sang a song that had a variety of tones. most of the girls sang a standard-pitched song e.g britney spear's I'm not a girl, not yet a woman. even if there is one with the variety, the girl was actually singing along with the original singer. 

that's all folks, pardon me if I've hurt anyone in any way. sincere apologies from the bottom of my heart. oh wait, I forgot one more picture.
here's the unsung hero who was so so confident of becoming the next bpian idol. haha. anyhoots, he's the weirdest kid in school who is being shunned by everybody. haha.