Sunday, February 27, 2005
I've clinched an A1 for my Malay 'O' levels. Alhamdulillah. the so-called tense is over. this result will be a stepping stone towards clinching more distinctions for the other subjects which I'll be taking this year in November. i've targetted myself 7 points for LIR5 or LIB5 (it's either the first or the latter). well not that I'll be able to achieve it anyway but have you ever heard of the saying that miracles sometime happen?
this is just random. to all poseurs out there who claim that they know so much about reggae and stuff, let me just make it clear that the "Rich Girl" song is not Gwen Stefani's original.
it's a remake of the song "If I Was A Rich Man" from the theatre performance of Fiddler on the Roof (I did a research on this). however though, she didn't write the lyrics to Rich Girl. someone already made a Rich Girl song. search for Lady Saw - If I Was A Rich Girl if you want to.
I heard this long before the one sung by Gwen and Eve came out. I owe my thanks to someone I met online though. he's a true reggae listener, I must say.
I'm no anti Gwen Stefani or whatsoever but don't you think it's annoying how most of her songs are actually remakes of others' and yet people claim of loving "her songs"? oh I love them too. her outfits donned in the video making of "her songs", I mean.
I think Gwen is better off with No Doubt. at least they don't practise acts of remaking songs, do they?
Saturday, February 26, 2005
today I'm happy. I had a pure family outing to East Coast Park from morning till around 4 plus. as usual, we took the straight bus from Woodlands to Bedok interchange. after dad bought our lunch, we took a cab to our destination. we cooled off at one of the barbecue pits (but didn't barbecue) and started eating. from my view I could see matreps with hot bods skimming the sea.
after eating, we left the pit for the bicycle rental shop. my sis, bros and myself each rented a bike while mom and dad settled with the double-seater. we then cycled to the other end with Aniq always being left behind since he got the bike with the smallest tyres among us all. my bro looked so cute when he stopped once in a while to wipe off beads of perspiration from his head. that proved how hot the weather was and that my bro simply was having a hard time trying to catch up with the rest of us.
we then returned the bikes, laid down the mats not far away from the sea and mellowed. I had gone down to the sea and just let the waves sweep my feet. minutes passed and mom called me up. my uncle and family were also at ECP but they wanted to go to the F2 carpark so we just followed suit. I thought the next spot was pretty boring cos there weren't many souls at sight. the sea was clear with practically no one around. I guess the rest had sensed the boredom too so off we went to our next destination: Pasir Ris Park.
I regretted and felt sorry for my cousin brother for stumbling upon this idea. PRP was even worse! the surrounding was almost calm and serene. I could barely hear the sound of the waves, the chirping of the birds and the voices of human beings. there was the gloomy weather to add to the already gloomy atmosphere. just as I thought of sitting on the rocks and face the sea, there were red ants crawling around me. I immediately jumped out of my skin. that was absolutely the worst ever beach experience so far.
not only that, I wanted to rent a bicycle again so I jolly walked along the pathway in search of a rental shop. and yeah, you guessed it right. I wasted joules of energy for that. at the same time too, mom wanted to use the toilet but it seemed that all the nearby ones were under renovation. subsequently my uncle drove her and my auntie to the toilet at the nearby end.
when I returned to our "picnic spot" again, I thought of doing something to fill the void. so I ended up joining my siblings for a game of soccer, volleyball and lastly rugby when my cousin and his girlfriend joined in. we played until it rained and after which, everything was packed up. we left the place and headed to my auntie's.
after doing the dusk prayers, we drove off to the Al-Ameen restaurant in Woodlands. we had our sumptuous dinner there before going to my house next. my aunt and uncle waited at my house while their son sent his girlfriend home.
so yeah. the above roughly describes how my day and night were like. as for now, I shall have a good night sleep.
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
there's undoubtedly something wrong with my body. I fall asleep very easily with the use of caffeine and I have trouble sleeping without it. I feel like I'm sleep deprived and it's only the second day of the week. can I don't attend school tomorrow?
so today I'm officially back to Band practice. boring giller sak. I am not part of the Chingay display so I had to join the group with people who were not performing, medically exempted and the A Team. there were two instructors who came to help us. all the while we were playing the scales and learning how to breathe properly. that really reminded me of the days when I've just joined the Band.
also lately, Someone's been saying the word "sorry" to me. the past wasn't meant to make you scared of me but to make Another Someone learn to especially not take advantage of divine beings.
Sunday, February 20, 2005
I think I like Temasek Poly but it's a bit too far the travelling journey isn't it? anyway, quite a number of my friends who resides in woodlands chose TP as their institution.
erm well, not that I've just realised it but my mother prefers it if her daughter goes to JC rather than poly. perhaps the reason being that no one among my relatives on both my parent's side has reached the JC level yet. being the best mom the world could ever have, she gives me the priviledge to decide for myself though. anway I'm the one studying and I should be given the right to choose which path I want to take.
urgh how I wished life is more happening now. by degrees there'll be interesting "things" to blog about.
I've been trying to make the two boxes transparent but my knowledge of html codings won't suffice to meet my demand. oh well.
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
alright I'm supposed to write a jounal after every CIP session at the Bethany's home. since I'm lazy to pen it down, might as well I put it online first. yesterday was the first outing to Lot 1 and it sure turned out quite well. at least my worriment of getting a grumpy, grouchy old man/woman didn't last long. we got an indian christian man, uncle ratnam, just because Ruby the instructor needed malay-speaking student helpers for him. I thought he looked fit, with the exception of his amputated leg. once again I was leading the rest who were either the road marshalls or wheeling the wheelchair.
so my first attempt at conversing with uncle ratnam was when I asked him where he intended to go first thing when we reached the mall. iniatially I thought he was going to blast at me for that question but it turned out that he was replying politely; just that he had this coarse voice which made my heart jump a little. oh and he actually smiled and I guess he looked cute. we had been making use of the lift to get around the mall. uh and I deem that he's a narcissist too. he never failed to admire himself in the mirrors within the confines of the lift. haha. there were times when he caught me staring at him while he was doing that. oops. haha.
anyway, he also invited us for tea at the foodcourt. haha. I asked him what type of tea he wanted and he said "anything". so I ordered tea-o for him. when we reached the table again and he tasted the tea a little, he said, "I actually wanted milk tea." it was pretty clear that I was going to get a dressing down. so before he could actually do that, I asked him if I could get him another drink but he said that was fine with him. phew. a tinge of relief there.
so we crapped and crapped till it was time to report back to Ruby at the main entrance. after which we wheeled the patients to their respective rooms in the Love ward and I finally headed home with the usual people.
p.s okay kak yani, something for you to read! haha. and yeah, the fotopage has been updated too. =)
Sunday, February 06, 2005
I've had the dreariest week ever. Don't believe? Read up.
- Woke up close to 11.00.
- Took a bath and completed my Amaths homework.
- Practised the flute while I was online on MSN.
- Hm, relatives came over for karaoke session.
- Had lunch while laughing at Mom cos the cakes she baked had twice turned black.
- Continued doing my other homework.
- Random thought: I can't have anymore weeks like this week.
- Went to SP with Rai, and then meet up with Fad and Sak. Yay! I saw Taufik! Not close-up though.
- Met up with Wani for a while to get the bag and flute from her.
- After eating at one of the foodcourts there, the 4 of us left the school.
- Practised playing the flute with Sak outside Lot 1 after the other 2 went home.
- Sak lost her wallet and thank God, some kind samaritan had actually reported it to the information counter.
- Random thought: I don't think the plump girl should wear that kind of clothes.
5 Friday boo-boos...
- I was having bad migraine from morning till night.
- Despite that, I still accompanied Wani to Far East after school as I couldn't bear to turn her down.
- I was so fucking sleepy that I wished I could just be in bed and replenish those loss of sleep.
- Even so, I had stayed up to complete 1/5 of the fucking piles of homework.
- Random thought: Handsome guys are stupid and ugly guys are clever.
- Borrowed my horn home.
- I was so dehydrated that I actually bought 3 cans and a carton of drink.
- Had a good laugh watching American Idol.
- Random thought: I simply hate people with a strawberry face.
- Reached home, rested for some time and karaoke till sunset.
- Watched the tsunami videos with my family.
- Random thought: I guess this sadness is my eternity.
- I finally went to get a new pair of earphones.
- Random thought: So long as that incident stays in my head, I'll always have trouble sleeping at night.
1 Monday turn-on...
- Saw this handsome mat on the train while going to school. Ooohh...aahhhh. but unfortunately mats only have the looks but no brains.
Saturday, February 05, 2005
NYP resembles a hospital and SP resembles a park, or maybe forest. NP should be out for me cos most of my friends are there and I don't want to get involved with them. Haha. Don't ask me why. Hm, looking forward to TP's open house. I love the school's building structure. So unique. And RP too. So colourful. Haha. Hopefully these 2 polytechnics will be able to capture my heart or I should start considering for JC. Haha.