Tuesday, September 26, 2006
work was good, rather, training was good because...
- I broke-fast at my workplace on my first day there.
- I was provided with free pizza and garlic bread by the trainer.
- I had a one-on-one coaching since the other fella didn't want to accept the job, or so I heard from the telephone conversation.
- abang Annuar was being extremely nice from the moment he saw me till it was time for me to leave.
- I kept getting praised for being a fast learner.
but the nice scenes at work were tarnished when...
- I saw many minahs were going to start work also.
- minah yang tak puasa tanpa segan silunya minum air tin depan aku. then she was shouting at her friend across her that she lied to her mom that she was fasting that day. macam bangga lah tak puasa, cool dan happening gitu. eeww! menyampah!
- when I was about to start training, two malay guys zoomed in. sekali one of them was Muzzafar la! that casanova!
- as if that sounds bad enough, he then attempted to flirt with me. whatever he said to me or asked, my replies were all monosyllabic. excuse me, playboy, it's not as if I'd just known you yesterday.
- the girls in the call room were staring at me - like what, was there anything that was missing in me?
oh, and the downside to everything was that I didn't get to catch Singapore Idol la. supposedly the manager told me that training will commence on Wednesday. apasal boleh jadi semalam pulak sak. bodoh mangkok betul. baru nak tengok Taufik Batisah, and of course Hady Mirza. by the way, thanks eh Singapore for not being idiots and vote for the wrong person to be our SI.