Wednesday, July 26, 2006
eversince the day Siti Nurhaliza announced her engagement and wedding dates to the public, everyone is getting more stressed up I think. well, I can say that most of the people I'm around with have no other issues to talk about besides this.
and I swear I'm getting really annoyed. it's her life. let her do what she wants la. who are we to decide who she should marry. even her father has given the green light so we are in hell no position to protest and stop her from marrying Datuk K. tapi kalau masih nak mengamuk tu, hentak-hentak kaki sudah. hahaha.
she may be the 2nd best Asian artist but that does not make her a Goddess that we all should worship, right? remember that Allah s.w.t. is our God. He has his reasons for bringing Siti and Datuk K together and maybe the latter is able to provide happiness for Siti. so instead of criticizing Datuk or hating Siti for marrying someone whom you'd never even think of marrying, why don't we pray that she has a blessed matrimony?
imagine how Siti and Datuk K will feel if they were to read those hurtful comments and accusations on Datuk and his children even. goodness, just spare those innocent beings. let them lead their lives. I know Siti is even recognised in the US but originally, she is just like You and Me who wants to have a family of her own.
if you are her true fan, you will be supporting her all the way. you will always wish her the best in life, not to ever bring her down.
as a neutral fan, I will never believe she's marrying Datuk for the money or status even. hell, she's a millionaire herself why would she greed for more? anyway, we all know that she is NOT the type. wonder why God made her rich, beautiful and famous? that's because He believed Siti is able to stay in control above all, even though she has a heavy responsibilty incumbent upon herself as a singer, an idol, et cetera.
anywaaaay, her decision just teaches us not to go for looks even if you are beautiful like heaven. most of the ugly men are good men by the way. and the handsome ones are most of the time such pain-in-the-ass. moreover, I've long concluded that beautiful women are made for ugly men. the reason simply being that these women will feel more secured because ugly men usually will treasure their beautiful wives and the chances of other women trying to hit on their husbands are pretty slim. unless their husband is rich of course.
however, there are also exceptional cases whereby ugly men are not thankful for what they've got. just fuck these people la.
I pray that nothing of this sort will happen to Siti. because the woman rightfully deserves to have the best husband. Amin.
anyway, back to the issue at hand. when Siti was single, you all talk. now that she's getting married also you all talk. so what, you expect her to be single for an obscene length of time just to make sure everyone is pleased with her choice of husband?! where my sudden burst of emotion is coming from, I have no idea, but it seems right to me (albeit the fact that I'm not a Siti fanatic).
alright alright. just to deviate from this seriousness, watch this video but focus more on the song though. entertaining yet repulsive. =P