Monday, July 04, 2005
it's late, already past midnight, but I feel compelled to write. by right, I shouldn't be writing in here. but since I've no idea on what to write albeit the essay topic being a very general one, I shall let my random thoughts fill this page.
went to civics to study with rai and wani earlier today. didn't manage to study for four hours at least due to some circumstances. it's usual how a person just diverts her attention onto another thing that shouldn't be diverted to when there are friends around her. say...a question like "how do you define a beautiful woman or a handsome man?" is being imposed to you. hehe. uh, one reason why I'm beginning to practice going to the library alone.
anyhow...I'm hearing of more and more people saying that I don't look like a malay and when asked if I look like a cheena instead, those people will respond with a slight 'no'. so what? you think I look like an indian? or my race is undefined, you mean?
I forgot what else I wanted to write. ahh kay, time to hit the hay. I'm bushed.