Sunday, June 19, 2005
heh, I found some interesting nicks in my msn contact list. below are some of them...
- few women admit their age, few men act theirs. (very true, huh?)
- clivages kills men. (cleavages kill men.)
- can I kill you? coffin is where you belong.
- suke hati bapak tiri laki mak kau aje. (sorry I don't know how I should translate this. haha.)
- thanks for everything, dawg. (quite clearcut lah. the person's in a pissified mood.)
- i trusted you as a friend. n u stab me the back. now i waiting for the day to stab u in chest with a fucking spoon. (muahahaha! this is my most favourite one! the spoon thingy plus the broken engrish really cracked me up! he should have at least said 'knife' instead of 'spoon' right? wahahaha.
haha. went to IKEA with the family just now and bought a 50 by 70 frame for $5.90. haha. cheap, right? but it is all worth it, because steven gerrard's portrait drawn by my uncle is now hanging high and proud on my wall. muahahahaha!