Saturday, June 04, 2005
- because the commentator herself is ugly that even someone of average looks is considered to be pretty.
- the commentator wants the owner to reply with a message that goes like this: you're pretty too!
take Friendster.com for example. just browse through some of your peers' profiles and notice that a testimonial (containing the phrase "she's pretty") which is given to one person is usually replied with the same phrase to the sender. I think we all know now why men are better than women sometimes. while men can be egocentric, women are no better. at least, 80% of the men in Friendster I believe do not do such foolish things just to up their ego by getting "beautiful" comments from people. some women even ask their peers to include the pet phrase in their testimonials. shameless, huh?
again, this is my own personal opinion. it may be a load of shit but it may contain some truths as well. so to each his own.
anyway, I doubt anyone understands what I'm writing. nyahahahaha.