Wednesday, April 20, 2005
decided to post this only after I've cooled down. anyway, I'd had enough of this atrocious day.
in the train this morning, I was cramming 100 over malay idioms into my head. I finally realised after the exam that the art of memorising facts in just a span of a night, actually less than a night for me, is doubtlessly unwise. I got 3 out of 5 incorrect. for the first time in my life, I thought malay paper was really a killer. I'm hoping though that the end result won't be as bad as what I'm already contemplating.
I suddenly turned downcast after the paper had ended. the feeling is uncanny if a malay exam paper manages to undermine my confidence. I was walking from school with the usual people then. when we reached Lot 1, I felt that something was holding me back from going home. but I just didn't know what was it. so I went into some shops first before boarding the train towards admiralty.
met my bro and sis under the block but surprisingly I didn't ask them where they had gone to or why were they downstairs. too tired I guess. when I finally stepped into the house and was about to turn on the switch to the tv, my sis kept me back. she then told me that all the switches in the house couldn't switch on the electrical appliances.
she continued telling me that my bro had actually plugged in the wrong switch for his playstation and so the main switch exploded. he cried when he saw the current flowing out. sorry for my deficient description of the whole scene. my knowledge of physics is totally absurd. haha.
but since that's not the point, I just want to state that I was a furious, raging mad woman just now. my dad purposely hid the plug for my bro's PS so that he will study for the exams. tapi tengok lah. mati2 nak main game jugak. abeh tak dapat jumpa the real plug, dia pergi cucuk whatever plug that he found.
ridiculous sak.
dahlah aku balik rumah penat2, sedih pasal exam, abeh adek aku buat hal.
I wasn't in a proper state of mind.
aku tengking kat dia sampai dia ternangis2 teros kluar rumah.
I told him to stay there till my dad came home and then slammed and locked the door.
after that I didn't know what hapenned to him.
I became like a harimau beranak muda.
I was thinking of how I was going to survive in the dark in that heaty conditon. there was my boiling heart to add to the what-could-be-worse-than-this situation. luckily water could still run for me to wash up and calm myself down.
anyway my mum and baby bro rushed home when they were supposed to send my nephew to the airport and my dad returned right after work. sampai je rumah, hah kau, memekak! the mother was angry at his stubborn son while the father was angry at me for shooing my bro out of the house. hello?? he didn't know how frustrated I was to even look at my bro's face. but gradually I began to feel guilty when my father said, "kalau adik kau tak balik, kau taulah."
by then I was beginning to come to my senses arh. my 2nd sis and baby bro were out first looking for him followed by the guilty party. wah bleh tahan jugak adek aku merajuk. call kawan dia tapi dia cakap adek aku tkde contact pon.
then I went home. but seeing the unforthcoming look on my father's face, I headed down again. luckily, I found him under the block nearby. he was still crying. but not because I locked him out of the house. he said he was scared that my parents would scold or beat him up. yes, he's scared of the kayu which my mom is famous for.
so tragic sak. nasib baik arh bapak aku tak jalan tangan. he was just saying that my bro was lucky the current didn't eat him up.
but I know. setiap apa yang terjadi ada hikmah disebaliknya. for my bro, if this hadn't happen, he would't stop playing the ps even if my dad forbids.
as for me, I'd just been given a test from God. I should try to be more patient and control my anger.
oh and after a few hours when everything had been settled, my sis willfully annoyed me. she was imitating the way I acted when I temporarily turned into a lioness. bleargh.