Tuesday, March 15, 2005
you can't run away even if you were to hide somewhere in malaysia. haha.
I'm actually back from a shopping cum movie cum eating spree in JB. decided to follow sak and her mom cos I'd have to go to my relative's if I hadn't. it was fun and I've not taken the bus there for ages. so dad gave me 100 sing dollars. haha. I didn't even think he would give a 50 at first.
bought for myself a capri pants, belt and some karaoke vcds. couldn't help it lah. singapore sucks at retailing karaoke vcds which are of good quality, at least for the malay ones. the other day when I bought one at marsiling, the cover read "best sound quality" but when I tested it out at home, I'd have to say that even I sound better than the counterfeit.
oh and I met 2 of the most interesting people there. first was this guy that I got to know in the bus last year. I think after a week or two, he had asked me out and borrowed money from me at the same time. tak lah banyak, $2 je. hehe. then he said he'd contact me again to return the money. few weeks passed but there was no news of him. anyway I'm the kind who waits for people to SMS or call me. selagi tu aku buat bodoh je. but out of curiousity, to know if he was still alive or already dead, I took the initiative and sms him instead. it went as such:
then there was this shit about oh-I-mixed-you-up-with-another-friend-of-mine-with-the-same-name. WHATEVER. conversation ended there and after months had passed, I saw him again today while doing the shopping. oh so he's working there. how wouldn't I have not noticed him when he was looking at me like some idiot whenever we passed by the shop? I thought I would have gone up to him if sak's mom and her aunt weren't there. not to ask for my money I guess? perhaps just a friendly approach. aku tak lah macam ex aku. I had asked him for a breakup right after we had had our lunch. dengan pastasnya dia suruh aku bayar balik duit makan. SHEESH! macam budak-budak kan? memang patut pun aku minta break. heh.
now the other interesting person. haha. my so-called ex also lah. this was 3 years back I think. after I parted with the rest, I made my way alone to woodlands centre. at that time I had chanced upon him and we were walking side by side on the opposite way. he stared at me and I did the same. I can't recall his name and I don't think he remembers mine either. that's because my relationship with him only lasted for a night. haha. in this case, I got my retribution.
so the moral of the story is
- not to run away if you're in debt.
- treat people with self-respect and humility.
- always do good to others.