Sunday, February 20, 2005
I think I like Temasek Poly but it's a bit too far the travelling journey isn't it? anyway, quite a number of my friends who resides in woodlands chose TP as their institution.
erm well, not that I've just realised it but my mother prefers it if her daughter goes to JC rather than poly. perhaps the reason being that no one among my relatives on both my parent's side has reached the JC level yet. being the best mom the world could ever have, she gives me the priviledge to decide for myself though. anway I'm the one studying and I should be given the right to choose which path I want to take.
urgh how I wished life is more happening now. by degrees there'll be interesting "things" to blog about.
I've been trying to make the two boxes transparent but my knowledge of html codings won't suffice to meet my demand. oh well.