Tuesday, January 25, 2005
I'll be having an off day again. yay? I already missed an hour of physics today and I'm gonna miss another tomorrow. and the test is being held on the day I return to school. what the fish. and I don't even understand what's going on. sheesh. to think that I could still worry about school huh? bleargh.
anyways, I don't have the slightest idea how the rashes came about and this is my first suffering from a form of allergy. the funniest thing is, even the doctor doesn't know the cause behind it all. he even went wah a lot arh? haha. yesterday the rashes only occupied my whole back, shoulders and my underarm. today it had spread to the front, mainly at the top part and it's building up on my forearm. mom was worried when she saw that and had asked me to see the doctor again (a different doctor this time round). within 5 days, if the rashes still deteriorate, I'd have to be given a jab. shit.
argh. these pills are making me feel like a useless bum. they think they can prevent me from scratching myself when I doze off? what hell. so much for thinking that I can have a more beautiful sleep since I'm not schooling. bleargh.