Friday, January 14, 2005
Wow makin rajin pulak aku update blog. Haha. What crap. Anyway today was kind of mundane. Started school with PE lesson. We ran 1 round outside school. Semangat... NAPFA is in mid April tapi siang2 dah start practice. Haha. After that we went back to the cabin. It stank like hell. How dumb can one get huh. Wee Sin had sprayed the insecticide 5 times (as what he confessed) just because there were a number of mosquitoes or flies or insects flying round the cabin this morning. Must be due to the open windows I guess. Then again, he didnt have to do that, right.
Yada yada. Today also was the health checkup. Wee!~! My height has increased by 2cm but my weight remains the same. Heh. After checking our eyesight and all, waited outside for the next checkup which was the checking of blood pressure. When it was finally my turn, I sat calmly on the chair whilst the nurse wrapped my arm with the whatever the thing is called. Haha. At that time a few other nurses were surrounding me also. I guess they had nothing else to do arh.
Suddenly when the thing was squeezing my arm, one of them had actually touched my eyelashes! I was like, what the hell is she tryna do? Haha. Then she claimed that I have long eyelashes. And so I started laughing. And then the nurse who was wrapping my arm said, you dont touch2 ppl's daughter lah! I dare you to touch my daughter's eyelashes!
What the heck, i thought. And so I laughed even more. When the thing was already over, my blood pressure was 130++. Haha. The nurse said that was due to my excitement. Wth. So I had to retake the test arh. And the actual measurement was 119. Haha.
The next station was health counselling. Everything said about me was positive. Haha. Bangge sak. She said my eyesight is very good...with the contact lenses on that is. Haha. Whatever.
I'm out.