Sunday, December 19, 2004
I've been on a bloghopping frenzy for the past few days. You know, just to read up on other people's life and see how they are dealing with it.
I was reading this particular person's blog and I thought I liked it a lot. Wanna know why? I love her way of writing, her English standard, and basically how she organises her thoughts nicely. A very mature writer indeed. I wish to be of that kind.
And the one I've just read, she's currently in a romantic mood. Obviously because she's just started a relationship with a well-off man I supposed; the car that he owns, the diamond necklace, ring or whatever valuables she said he had given to her in just 2 months of relationship. I'm always used to execrating people telling about their love life cos as what it may seem to me, they are either exagerrated or another reality check is needed somehow. The all too familiar "I will love so and so forever" only exists in the fantasy world.
But this person's love story is neither deep nor subtle; everything's right on the surface, for anybody to see. And that's the main attraction for me. Despite it being a wee bit cliched and over-rated (sue me for hating love), I still found it to be one of the realities of life and not fantasy. So congrats girl, you made me change a bit of my perception on this though not at a great portion. Haha.
Aight enough of this bloghopping thingy. I guess I've just passed my swinging mood this whole afternoon. Glad that the only victims were my sister and brother though. Muahahaha. Okay, I'm evil. I was shouting at them whenever they asked me any questions, sounding as if I had chronic laryngitis when in fact I'm not sick. Oh well here comes my favourite phrase, "Blame The Hormones". Haha. My sis is searching for her speckies. Actually I know where it's hiding. Heck, this should teach her a lesson to not just dump her specs anywhere she likes. Bleargh.
Oh and talking about wonders of the world, I actually did my Add Maths assignment and it took me a hell long time just to attempt one question. Blame the holidays for rotting my mind. Anyway, yay, I'm getting help from someone.
Another thing, I think I'm having trouble talking lovey dovingly in such a sweetos manner to a guy. This was proven yesterday night. It's been some time yeah.