Wednesday, December 15, 2004
I don't usually update my blog but when I do, it's gonna be long. I think. Heh. Hmm so
I woke up unusually early to get ready to go for Band prac. Met up with Sak, Nizal and Fad at Mcdonalds. Today's prac was such a bore with all the babblings from Sir. I was sleeping with my eyes open all the while though. After Band, stayed back for a while to listen to some Band songs. Got Spongebob Squarepants some more. Haha. Cutesy. A few minutes past 1, I walked out of school with Sak and off we go to the gym at CCK Sports Hall. We spent about an hour plus there and then walked again to Limbang's Mcdonalds. Over there we were quite surprised to see our school mate. And so we ordered waffle cone from her. Tell me then, what's the use of heading to the gym beforehand? LOL.
After sitting there for some time, we then walked back to Lot 1. Checked out the prices for the swimming costumes at certain shops. Cos we had planned to go swimming after working out next week. Haha. We were just jealous watching peeps having fun in the water lah. As in not that dirty kind of fun lah. Obviously cos majority were small lil' kids. Haha. So after that we walked out of the mall and then another soul approached us for donation. Including last week, we already donated about 20 bucks? Yeah. There goes my money. And her money. The donation thing costed 5 bucks but we only had 4 bucks in total and so that sorta kind soul actually decided to chip in another dollar for us. So yeah. Then we just sat and relaxed near the MRT control station. A few minutes later, Aiman, Nizal, Fad plus an extra Xuan Tong joined us. Chatted for some time before I finally went home.
When I reached home, mommy dearest had asked me to follow her to Woodlands Town Centre as she wanted me to help her carry the stuffs later on. I tagged along although I was so reluctant. Wanna know why? I wanted to eat! LOL. First thing we did when we reached there was eat! At KFC! And I ate a lot! Hahaha. And then I suddenly remembered that I had just lost some calories and now I was gaining them back. Sheesh. Well at least we walked or rather strolled for a long time along the shops after that.
We finally took the cab home after all the shopping done. I was damn shagged out. My face looked like some idiot I guess. It always does whenever I'm tired. But who cares anyway. It's my face afterall. Oh fuck wth am I talking about. Hmm whatever I think it's time for me to stop. This entry is getting boring anyway...