Thursday, January 13, 2005
Alright I didn't attend school today. *hides my face in shame* I kinda spent my "free" time reading back my opendiary.com entries. And I arrived to the conclusion that they were almost all depressing, mainly containing school stuffs and that I cared seriously too much about boys then. So now I understand why someone used to say that he loved reading my online diary; cos he got to let his imagination take place and drown himself in the schooling days. How weird. Even I despise thinking about school.With the exception of friends, joy, and laughter, who the devil would wanna think about those examination periods where you do nothing but stress yourself out? Ggrrr.
But there were some pretty amusing entries that I came across arh. Like this one. Haha. Am I that bad of a biker? Haha. It's been a while since I went cycling. I wanna cycle. Maybe at the beach. I wanna go to the beach. I miss the sea. Although recently it has shown to be violent, with power so terrific, energy so abundant and fury so wantonly destructive, lets just put everything behind us and pray for a better future. Perhaps God has His reason for making this happen. Perhaps He's giving us the opportunity to reflect on our wrongdoings that perhaps make him angry? Perhaps, perhaps...
I digressed. There was so much that I wanna talk about but ive forgotten everything now. Haha. Baru 15 tahun. Sheesh. It might be worse in the future. Bleargh. Ok ok. *patting my head to try recalling what I wanna blogged about* Ok tadah!~
I can't remember.
As a replacement, read this up. Thanks to my opendiary that I found this poem back. It's from the movie, Ada Apa Dengan Cinta...
Kulari ke hutan kemudian teriakku. Kulari ke pantai kemudian menyanyiku. Sepi... Sepi dan sendiri aku benci. Aku mau bingar... Aku mau di pasar. Bosan aku dengan penat dah enyah saja kau pekat. Seperti berjelaga jika kusendiri... Pecahkan saja gelasnya biar ramai... Biar mengaduh sampai gaduh... Aih... Ada malaikat menyulam. Jaring laba-laba belang di tembok. Keratan putih. Kenapa tak goyangkan saja... Locengnya. Biar terdera. Atau aku harus lari ke pantai. Belok ke hutan.