Friday, January 07, 2005
So the first week of school was full of excitement, along with some anxiety. Rather. It was exciting cos we got the cabin classroom! Yay! Albeit that, ours is not so cold compared to the triple science classes. Bias. My sentiment is that ours is sort of a rejected cabin. Other cabins own 4 air-conditioners. Ours has only three, plus the fact that other cabins have the remote controllers but not ours. This means we have been turning on the air conditioners manually. Ahaks. There's the missing tile underneath the rooftop to boot. Nevertheless this has given us the idea of storing our books at the rooftops. Ssssshhhhh... We are no more allowed to leave any books in school, you see. Not forgetting too that outside our cabin, a large area of the ground is covered by algae. Since it has been raining lately, one has to walk cautiously so as not to slip on the slippery surface. This is so bothersome. My friends and I had even thought of scrubbing it off. But come to think of it, why should we when it's not our job.
And what then, causes the anxiety? 'O' levels lah. Duh. The teachers could not be any more threatening right? Grr. But I want to pass this phase as soon as possible. I can't wait to continue after secondary school life as what I've planned. Cheybah.
Oh guess what, my Amaths teacher is one sarcastic witch. Minus the 'W' and add a letter of your choice if you want to. She acts as if she can't be bothered to teach us how to do some of the questions we asked from the holiday assignments. Doesn't she know that we used to have fantastic Amaths teachers for the past year? That is why we are sooooo good in this subject. Bleargh. Looks like I'm the sarcastic bitch here. Oops. Whatever... I hate school.
So finally, Friday is here. It's time to replenish those beauty sleep babeh~ Aight, I'm outta here.
Till death do us apart.