Thursday, January 27, 2005
it's so freaking hot outside. I can't even feel the cold air albeit setting the air-con to 18 degrees celsius.
only few hours of sleep last night. scratched, scratched and scratched my body (although I'm not supposed to). it's so ironic that the pills didn't make me fall asleep, which only proves to me that I'd have to get the jab sooner or later. I can't have anymore nights like last night. why can't Singapore have a climate like that of the US? it feels like my body is fighting a war against heat rays; in response to pain like being pierced by needles everywhere. ouch. feel it.
so my inner monologue was constantly begging me to please, please just fall asleep (but to no avail). I even disturbed kiki late at night just to complain that the itch was bugging me so much. she accompanied me till the early morning. hey, thanks aye. =)
of course I ended up being so sleepy in school. well, not much homework to catch up on I guess. or is it just me who can't be bothered to know what I'm lagging behind? haha. I don't know. what I know is that,
I screwed up the Physics test. thanks to not revising, thanks to not paying full attention during lessons, thanks to not being in school for 2 days and last but not least, thanks to the skin irritation. ggggggggrrrrrrrrrrr. I so hate life now.