Saturday, April 16, 2005
my teen angst is boiling over and spilling over and just going crazy.
think I should be a psychologist.
I read people's mind better than I read my own.
ade orang pakai tactic kotor to make people like him/her. ade orang act good in front of you but behind your back, wallahualam. ade orang jugak think lowly of you (but I tell you, this group of people will suffer in the end cos the bad always loses). ade orang jugak yang tak kenal kau tapi pandai2 buat judgements yang tak munasabah. at least ni ok jugak lah. ade tu dah lama kenal kau tapi masih tak faham2 diri kau sendiri. lambat setapak lah katakan. when you do good, this group thinks that you're doing the opposite.
terase? mungkin andalah yang saya maksudkan.
my point of this entry is: beware, I know whatchua thinking.
heck, I've got better things to do. exams coming real soon.
goodbye, bloggie.