Tuesday, June 14, 2005
gawd, that was a hell of an experience! thinking back, I was actually caught in a moment of craze and stupidity. maybe it's time that I stop acting brave, no?
well I was in a crazy state because...
a few seconds after I stepped into the bathroom this afternoon, my mom pushed open the door and hid inside the toilet with me. feeling all tauty and fearful, she claimed to have seen a huuuugggee moth fluttering within the confines of her room. then the dialogue went like this:
(translated into english).
me: what are you tryna do??!! I urgently need to pee!
her: there's a moth outside!! (she wailed, her expression woeful).
me: (heaved a colossal sigh) ask dad for help then!
her: ayah!!!! ayah!!!! (the malay term for dad) there's an insect in the room! it's huuuuuugggeeee!!
me: (still waiting, at the same time trying to contain the urge to urinate).
dad: I can't find it!! and what are you doing with your daughter in the toilet??!!
me: you arh... why should you be scared of insects when they are gazillion times smaller than you? (I was talking with much boldness). go out lah. the moth should have flown away by now.
mom hesitantly made her way out of the toilet. by then, I no more felt like peeing. so I followed after her and thus made my way into my room to get changed. she wanted to follow me again and prolly hide in there but out of irritation, I locked my door before her.
then came the reward for being a rude child...
I was putting on my contact lenses when I heard clear flapping and fluttering sounds from under the armchair. I looked to see what was it and voila! I got the shock of my life! there was a huuuuggggeee moth right in front of my eyes! at that very moment I was nervous, agitated inside. all of a sudden a surge of apprehension flooded me. I wasn't sure whether to stand still or to run out of the room. when the really-huge-like-you-cannot-imagine moth flew out from under the chair, it continued flying at the opposite far end from where I was standing. as much as I wanted to run out of the room, I had no guts to do so since I was afraid the creatre might attack me from behind. wahahaha!
then the moment of stupidity arrived. after much consideration, I decided to hide inside my cupboard. nasib baik lah almari tu cukup2 untuk aku duduk kat dalam. wahahaha. if not I couldn't have fathomed what would happen to me.
...and so in the cupboard, I kept myself absolutely still as I remembered the hairlike antennae and stout body caught on the periphery of my vision minutes earlier. I peeped through the space in between the doors of the cupboard to see where the creature was. obviously hoping that it would stop fluttering so that I could make my way out of the friggin room. but no, a creature will always be a creature. it didn't show any mercy for me. so I was a stupid, helpless geek yelling for help and waiting to be rescued. no one heard me so I was stuffed inside the cupboard for more than 20 minutes.
ok, pause for a moment. while I was typing all of the above, I had heard the fluttering sounds again. I thought that maybe the moth was still hiding in my room. so I called my dad to look out for it. it took nearly half an hour before the moth showed up and was then killed. phew. I knew then I could sleep in peace. what an adventure from 5pm till midnight! it's as great as the adventure of the boys lost in fraser's hill alright.
now back to the story again. after a long time in my room, my parents thought that I wasn't going to my granny's anymore so they just left the house. gawd, didn't their instincts tell them that something bad had happened in the room? something evil had happened when they didn't hear me respond when being called up? gawd, how could they... I knew then that nobody would care enough to unlock the door to see what was happening. due to this, I didn't get to visit my granny again after being guilt-ridden knowing that I should have stopped by her house yesternight. so as soon as the fluttering sounds had died down, I ran horridly out of the room with dire thoughts rushed unchecked through my head. everything settled down soon after.
so there you go. my hell of an experience. moments of craze and stupidity. what's the meaning behind all these? ask the old folks and loads of superstitious thinkings will pop out. I don't wish to hear any of it though.
it's definitely time for me to stop gagging at my mom for being fainthearted when facing the sight of insects...because I am no better. while she only hid in the toilet, I actually hid in the CUPBOARD. due to this adventure (I chose to describe it as an adventure since it was as if I was on a rollercoaster ride, what with the adrenaline rush seeping through my whole body) too, I lost my left contact lens while trying to stuff myself in the cupboard.
bak kata pepatah melayu, "padan ngan muke kau!"