Friday, June 17, 2005
woohoo! for the first time in 4 years, I actually conversed with my next-door neighbour! haha. thinking back, (tak habis2 dengan aku nye 'thinking back'. muahahaha) I'd actually been wanting to talk to him lah but what the heck. he would always find means and ways to avoid me whenever we meet each other. hmm.. he's shy maybe? (eleh awak, dengan kita pun nak malu ke?)
so today when I alighted the MRT at admiralty, he was just a distance away from me. he saw that I was going to climb down the stairs. instead of using the stairs to make his way out of the mrt station, he walked all the way to the other end of the platform and made use of the escalator. just as I had guessed, he wanted to avoid me yet again. hmm.
after that I was waiting for the bus to go home. he knew I would be taking the bus so he walked home instead. oh one thing that I find weird about him is, he would reach our block at the same time as me, or even earlier, if I were to take the bus and if he were to walk home. bukan main lincah sak (sak, jangan terasa! haha) dia jalan. so yeah, we had met under the block. usually while I'm waiting for the lift, he will pretend to check his mailbox till after I've gone inside the lift but today, things changed. after "checking" his mailbox, he stood beside me and together we waited for the lift to reach level 1. muahaha.
my earphones were plugged into my ears then. initially I'd thought of leaving the earphones as where they were but I don't know why, I then actually plugged out one of them in case he was gonna talk to me. well he didn't, I mean not yet. I was kinda surprised too that he took the same lift as me when the other lift had also reached by then. then the dialogue began. jeng jeng jeng...
him: just came back from school huh?
me: (stunned for a little while, but replied in the end.) uh, yeah...
4 seconds of silence. I was thinking, oh shit, I should be asking him back, right? but how should I address him? nak cakap 'you' ke 'awak'? At last...
me: you?
him: just came back from camp.
me: oh you're in ns now huh...
him: yup.
the lift stopped at level 3. he went out first, followed by me. suddenly he turned back.
him: sorry aye, I was just asking just now.
me: oh no, doesn't matter.
he continued walking. again I was thinking, oh shit, call him! call him! this is the only chance I can talk to him longer!
me: urm...
him: yeah?
me: what's your name?
him: (he said out his name but it was barely audible.)
me: huh?
he told me to wait and then he opened up his bag...to take out his army pass! wahaha. semangat sey. at first I made a fool out of myself lah.
me: wait eh, I can't see. (dalam hati dia agaknya dia tengah cakap, buta ke apa budak ni? hehehe.)
me: oohh.. farhin..
him: yeah, what's yours?
me: fadillah
him: I see.. sorry aye I was just asking just now.
me: no, no. doesn't matter lah.
back in my house, I was thinking. why should I be angry when you talked to me?
I'm so glad da dey!