Saturday, July 02, 2005
apparently I am back at school again, back in bt panjang govt high, back to incredible hulk's (read: my form teacher) scowls. what a way to start the first day of a school term; I was booked for latecoming on monday and tuesday consecutively. in fact, friday too but since there was a cca observation thingy, latecomers were being excused.
some highlights for the week are: students were released at 1040 on tuesday and school commenced at 0830 on wednesday. all due to the what appeared to be a va va voom prolific chinese opera performance held in victoria theatre by my school. I thought it was supposed to be a multiracial production? then why were there only two malays in the cast? forget about indians...I mean they want people who are easy to be made up. talk about schools being chinese dominated aye. tsk tsk.
anyhow, the major highlight is of course the BPian idol. like what the hell was malvin thinking huh? the host of an idol competition was wearing shorts? or was it bermudas? beach party eh bang...

then there was the small little cutey boy with a big voice. so cute lah. imagine him singing tom jone's song. hehe. one boo-boo was the von dutch shirt. why von dutccchhh???

oh this boy sitting beside me was actually reading like nobody's business while the competition was going on. right from the start till the end. haha. fad and I just couldn't help laughing.

all of the contestants during the prize presentation. 

we all took a picture with lis after the whole thing had ended. her voice was okay but she chose the wrong song. hilary duff's songs are not easy to carry unless you can match up to her high pitch voice. I think one crucial mistake some of the contestants made was choosing of his/her favourite song without taking into account their ability to reach to the expectation of the song itself. 2 major boo-boos: her dressing from the shoulders to the toes. if you want to wear this kind of skirt, it should come with a presentable blouse and not tshirt. the colour of the shoes was a bit off. since she was singing a rock song, everything had made it unacceptable.

now here's the Bpian idol of 2005. since it's an idol competition, the result was kind of expected. if it was talentime or any competiton that's judge-based, I seriously think syarafina would be the winner. at least she was the one who captured me throughout the performance. I mean she was the only one who sang a song that had a variety of tones. most of the girls sang a standard-pitched song e.g britney spear's I'm not a girl, not yet a woman. even if there is one with the variety, the girl was actually singing along with the original singer. 

that's all folks, pardon me if I've hurt anyone in any way. sincere apologies from the bottom of my heart. oh wait, I forgot one more picture.
here's the unsung hero who was so so confident of becoming the next bpian idol. haha. anyhoots, he's the weirdest kid in school who is being shunned by everybody. haha.