Sunday, July 10, 2005
the different schools gave a wonderful performance at the Cheng San CC earlier today - so uplifting! sakinah and I had even talked about joining PA's malay dance troupe after the O levels. hehe. so we and eventually nizal who only came during the second half of the show, were there to applaud my wee darling cousin and her friends. my congrats sent to beatty secondary school for winning the championship. you girls totally deserved it. =)
tired now. went to eat at far east after the show ended. what seemed to be a glad occasion for hungry people to be finally eating turned out to be the opposite as we people ate to the sounds of Isabella by amy search (you know the very sad, slow rock malay song), followed by other jiwangers. hehe.
then cruised around town. it was a whole lot of fun because I was with dingy girls and a demented boy; each always up with his/her own set of jokes. haha.
I'm already so sleepy to elaborate lah. going to civics library probably in the morning tomorrow to do whatever revision that's needed.