Tuesday, October 18, 2005
it's like the satisfaction that you get when you do something by yourself and then see the result at the end of it all. my room has totally been refurnished - from the colour of the walls to the new furnitures being brought in here. except for my bed which still sits at its current location, everything else has been moved.
and yeah, it was all due to my hard work. haha.
on another note, monday apparently marked the last day of my secondary school life. yipee! wait, I shan't scream so long as the 'o' levels are not over yet.
actually the revamping of my room serves for another purpose lah. a cleaner environment makes a more conducive area for learning right? hopefully it'll also get me to study in a brighter mood because LFC is what I love. that is kind of cliche I guess? heh.
hmmm.. it's 12.30 in the morning. I had thought of mugging till about 2 but I don't know, maybe I'll end even earlier lest I develop panda eyes.
I love my baju kebaya. too bad that I'll only be raya-ing after the second week.