Tuesday, September 20, 2005
one more. just one more to go before this stressful period ends. momentarily though. I know it's boring to blog about exams all the time but what the hell, it's the exam period and I can't run away from it. so far, I don't have the much needed confidence in passing social studies (because I didn't finish the SBQ but hopefully history will help pull up my mark) and of course, amath. I wonder when will I pass the latter. sigh.
anyway, someone's been bugging me to meet him. I don't know how I should turn him down yet again but I don't want him to think that I'm... treating him like a stupid idiot? haha. whatever lah eh. mat-mat zaman sekarang. semua low-esteem. or maybe it's inferiority complex, things like that. what the hell? just because I'm like this and you're like that?