Wednesday, September 14, 2005
physics paper was urm, ooook lah. I thought it was satisfactory as compared to midyear's. obviously because I didn't study for midyear, thinking that I was going to drop physics after midyear for sure. but I didn't. why? it was because I persevered. I knew that my lack of effort in studying physics bespoke my end result. so I tried to hang on, go through the basic stuff and take it from there. if I'm willing to work and if God's willing to help, anything can happen right?
I'm left with a few more papers to go before I can take a short break, then start mugging again for 'O' levels. I've to think positive from now on. one of my teachers once said that no exam is more important than the O's. I wonder how true that is but think, if you're going to apply for a job, what is one thing that the employer will ask for? yes, you've said it yourself.