Saturday, September 10, 2005
it's a dismal that throughout these two years, I haven't once passed my amath exam. and I don't think i'll be able to create a miracle for the prelims. but o' levels...maybe? I'm not going to risk my other subjects just to spend more time on amath lah. when I grow up, I'm not going to be a mathematician anyway. gees. by the way, tomorrow will be the last day before prelims start. GOD help! I really am in deep shit. what could be a worse combination than social studies plus amath on the same day huh? and both are on the first day of the examination period! argh. I wish myself good luck though. note that I typed 'good luck' instead of 'all the best' because at this very moment, my attention is diverted to blogger rather that the social studies textbook. I can imagine myself writing my own social studies facts later on.