Thursday, August 04, 2005
sometimes I don't understand just what teachers want from the students. respect? diligence? punctuality in coming to school? before they even think of gaining respect from us (as in students), have they ever asked themselves, "do I respect my students?". I do not think teachers nowadays think that way and this has really made school a very fucked up place. I MEAN IT.
firstly, I admit I was wrong not to report to Tan for latecoming, and all the shit that had happened would not have happened if I had done so. BUT, I did report to him in the next two days during recess and he didn't tell me that I was supposed to see him again after school. today, I got my retribution as he told me to sit outside the HOD room along with other normal technical students who are hardcore latecomers. I just don't understand a teacher like him. he's an english teacher but his usage of english is atrocious. however did he expect me to venture that I was to go for detention class after school? really, some teachers are mere irrational.
however, sitting alone in the physics lab was a good thing afterall. for a moment I felt a sense of serenity and escapism. I was lucky to be given permission to sit for my common tests. then it began to rain heavily and I was allowed to join the rest of my classmates for lessons. oh, I went up to a teacher to ask something and guess what she did? SHE ROLLED HER EYES, as if giving me the I-couldn't-care-less look.
my shit haven't ended though. once the bell rang which marked the end of school, I went up to old virginic moron (she's not worth to be called my form teacher) to have my individual oral practice, in preparations for the 'o' levels. I GOT THE BIGGEST INSULT SHOVED RIGHT TO MY FACE. first, she said that I was speed reading. next she said my voice sounded like a guy. she said I can't even speak or write well. I couldn't stand it no more. writing has been my forte and every piece of essay that I'm asked to do, I'd give all my heart and soul into it. but OVM just chose to mistake me for one of her students who can't write well.
then she was talking about how miss universe contenders during a beauty pageant contest, are able to speak well.
I replied: I'm not aiming to be a miss universe.
old virginic moron: that's not the point! I'm just telling you the importance of speaking well!
I would have done my oral properly if I hadn't need to face you, sucker. I just rolled my eyes.
OVM continued: even if you want to, do you think you'd stand a chance?!
me: I'm not pretty like you. you do stand a chance though.
OVM: don't be sarcastic!! (raging with anger, going to explode any soon) you are so rude, fadillah!
I didn't even look at her. she shouted in front of me and wen zhong who was also in the cabin at that time. "I wouldn't have wasted my time on you if I knew it'd turn out to be like this!"
I said, "ok, I shall leave." I walked away and slammed the door behind me.
"I will tell Mr Tan about you!"
you think I'm gonna be shaken? watch me. teachers are such a pain in the ass. I thought that if I had continued my verbal fight with OVM, it'd turn physical in no time. I don't deny that I wished I could have slapped her in the face. or kill her even. but I was still partially sane and I knew the consequences. so I didn't.
you know it's ironic that insults is the biggest insult that can be shoved upon you. all this while, NO ONE dares to insult me. and even my parents do not shout at me like you do. I will explode anytime in school tomorrow. watch me. just the sight of you makes me burning in anger.