Friday, August 20, 2004
The week flies sooo fast. Thank God it's Friday! It's been stressful for the past 5 days with test, homework and all. Just this week, we had to sit for 3 tests plus stay back after school to complete our assignments and not forgetting the after-school activities. Phew. Finally done with the dedication thingy. It took us hours to do a 12-min show. Pathetic. I wished I wasnt it it. Simply cos I looked all doinky. And someone claimed that I was PMSing on that day. Whatever.
Stayed back after school again today to catch the Teachers' Day auditions. Band screwed up at the drums I guess. Nothing improved even when Zin came to the rescue. Oh yah I didn't know the guys in my school can sing. And I mean exceptionally well. There was this guy from 403 and when he started singing Ronan Keating's When You Say Nothing At All, everyone just stopped to look at him. K maybe, most of them.
Went to Lot 1 after that. Did some window shopping and finally bought a cake before heading home. I couldnt let my temptation grow any more since I was fasting. Haha. *drools*
When I reached Admiralty, there was this malay lad holding a donation thing in his hand. He came up to me.
He: Assalamualaikum, kak... Saya (bla bla bla) ...
Then I cut in.
Me: Saya bukan kak..
He didnt care. He continued talking non-stop. Or was it that he didnt hear wat I said.
So I just put on a i-cldnt-care-less face while he was explaining and all. After he has finished, I just said "Sorry, I'm not donating." And he walked off with this pissified or disappointed look.
Stupid idiot.
Don't tell God how big your storm is. Tell your storm how BIG God is.