Thursday, August 05, 2004
Lessons today were soporific. First it was the lining up in the field to make sure everything goes well on the National Day celebration. Then it was E Maths. As usual, Mr Sim would philosophise for a period and only teach in the next period. While he was rambling I was busy finishing up my past assignments. Next was Chemistry. Ms Chow was like saying that we are insulting her as a teacher, setter and a marker for giving her such disappointing results. She was also telling us that we might have to drop pure sciences and do combined science instead if we continue to underperform. Haiz, gotta buck up man.
After that, Social Studies. Tiger always assume that his lessons are interesting but hell no! I only feel like dozing off everytime he starts teaching. Oh yah, who can stand a teacher who talks as if he's shouting and always look on the ground when he teaches? Grr. Then it was recess. People were busy commenting on my hair. Bad-hair-day that is. Grr.After recess went straight to AVA theathrette for History lesson. Again, it was boring. Except for the times before Ms Tay came in. Had some fun with the people around me. Holiday assignments began piling up when she handed us the essay question.
Then, physics. as usual lah. Boring. But amazingly I actually paid attention and could attempt the questions Chiam gave us. Weeeee~ Finally, a period of Malay. As per normal lah. I was minding my own business. That cross-eyed again showed off his grad certs or whatever to us. Damn show-off man.
After school I was just hanging out with the peeps and chilling to the mp3 songs. In the mean time I was looking out for him. Argh. He looks cute whenever he smiles. Oh he's so fine, he's so cool, he blows my mind. Sheesh. After that went for Band though I was reluctant to. Shoot a video for Teacher's Day dedication and then practiced for the last time.
Happy advance National Day, people!