Monday, August 02, 2004
I didn't go to school today cos it was already 7 when I woke up. Muahahahaha. Oh wait, I'm not supposed to laugh. Playing truant is a serious matter ain't it? Haha whatever. I can't afford to be late anymore. I don't know how many times have I been late already. But it's a miracle that I've never reported myself to Tiger and yet not get caught. Hmm.
Actually I slept early last night. At about 11.30. Yea, that's my earliest sleeping time. Mum too didn't wake up maybe cos she was so fagged after having had a long day yesterday. My relatives had come to my house to do some recording. They were back only at 11pm. At the same time my cousins and uncle were pestering me to sing! Sheesh. I've not been karaoke-ing for quite some time so I didn't have quite the confidence I guess. The other day when I was at my auntie's again they had forced me to sing. Then I ended up running into my lil cousin's room. It was funny. Arrghh. I wouldn't mind if I had a nice voice.
You laugh at me cos I'm different. I laugh at you cos you're all the same.