Monday, August 09, 2004
Grrr. I'm so bored. Juz finished eating and now I'm back to my loyal friend. Aiyah. Wani already got a new phone. When's my turn? Haiz. Wat sey. Homework? Alah no mood to do homework lah. Tomorrow can rush through all of them. Eh tonight is the debut of Singapore Idol. Heh. Cool2. Ive been waiting for it for some time and it's finally here! I seriously dont know what to do right now. Ive already downloaded songs but still...what to do next? I wish I could meet up with old pals. But what to do... They've already forgotten me. Haiz. My bros are back! Shit. Quarrels will start again.
Hmm. Let's talk about yesterday. I attended this wedding which was so urm, boring. Heh, no offence. The atmosphere wasn't lively at all and the typa music featured was Dangdut. Where there's dangdut, Alias Kadir and Mazni will be there. Mazni seemed so cheap and hello, dangdut makes you sound even cheaper. Grr. Alias thinks he's great but sadly, he's actually not. I wouldnt have attended the wedding if my parents hadnt forced me to.
Know what. I'd love to clean up my room but I guess I need some motivation. Hahaha. Crap. It's like sooo dirty. I guess it's dirtier and messier than a typical bachelor's room. Hahaha. Hmm. I'd also love to be a good daughter. Help my mum out and all, but don't know what's happening to me. Slacking a lot nowadays.
Somebody pls pls save me!!