Tuesday, August 10, 2004
Why does the night seem so dead? So not my kind of night.
MSN is getting a bit boring here. Especially with people who put themselves as online but then do not wanna chat or they are busy. What's up with that.
And so I SMSed somebody. He did reply but it took ages for him to do so. Why? He's out enjoying himself. Me? Staring at the computer screen, having no idea of what to do.
My friends are going away. Either to NS or migrate elsewhere. Why? Isn't Singapore good enough?
And so I've finished 3/4 of my homework. Quite an achievement.
One thing that's left to do is farkin clean up my room before animals start to appear. EEEEkkkkk.
Not a wee bit sleepy. And it's gonna be 11 soon. Maybe mum's aromatheraphy might help.
Fasting tomorrow but I'm not gonna sahur. Rather cherish my sleep.
Finally I'm running out of ideas of what to write.
So yeah, peace out yoh.
Step hippie plak...