Tuesday, December 06, 2005
I was damn bored yesterday that I thought I'd been struck down with fever. today was better though. sak and I first dropped by Ngee Ann City for that job interview. really, really hope the manager will take me in la. I do not wish to get sick everytime I rot at home, you know.
I fumbled initially because I didn't realise there were two sides to the application form. so I was seeing the interviewer twice since I had to go back to the waiting area again to fill in the other side. malu sak. anyway here's an account of part of the interview.
interviewer: why do you want a sales job rather than F & B since you have no working experience?
what, you mean I don't have to have any experiences if I had gone for F & B?
me: well... I don't have confidence in carrying trays while balancing the load since my palms occasionally get sweaty. *laughed*
she finally laughed after feigning seriousness.
interviewer: okay... what would you do if you had to handle a nasty customer?
me: I will still attend to her nicely and be patient.
but I don't think that'll be the case la. hahaha. I know myself too well than to communicate with someone not in my favour. it's true, really. sakinah and I had gone in to most Body Shop outlets that we came across for I wanted to ask for the job application form. but just at the sight of minahs, I stepped back. I did go up to one of them at the outlet in raffles city though. she could have at least replied nicely but no... putting on a conceited/snobbish/attitude look, she echoed.
"No. I don't have the form." I left without a word. not even a thank you. I don't see the reason why I should react postively anyway.
I think I have to agree with my cousin, dillah, who recently concluded that Body Shop outlets are fast being occupied my minah-minah yang tidak beretika.
after that we went to eat at suntec's KFC. I don't know why as of late, I always can't seem to finish up my food. like yesterday, even though my mom had cooked chicken rice, I only ate half the portion of what was served. today, my mom had cooked my favourite sweet and sour fish but it too didn't build up my appetite. and it doesn't help that my stomach didn't feel good the whole day.
oh and I learnt from sak that the waiter whom I met during prom night is a chinese. hehe. my sentiments too. if he isn't a malay, then he's a chinese. likewise if he isn't a chinese, then he should be a malay. haha.
there's also this caller who has called me thrice on my handphone, but always at the wrong time. the first and second time that the caller called, I was in the movies. I didn't get to pick up the third call because the mp3 player was blasted to its maximum volume and so I couldn't hear my phone ringing. I'm just afraid the call might be from some employer la.
don't know if I should hit the hay now and wake up in a few hour's time or I should just stay up till the match between Chelsea and Liverpool commences. bring on the Blues!!
actually I'm wondering if anyone's still reading up to this line. haha.