Sunday, September 05, 2004
Like most other days, I absolutely have nothing useful to do today. Watched tv, listened to music, laid down on my bed, SMS, ate, drank, played the computer and basically just slacked. Absolute boredom there. And I was thinking. It's not even the holidays yet and I'm like this wearied by dullness. Anyway started talking to him again. And thanks to my nick too, (I'm so bored. Somebody amuse me!) some kind soul actually took the initiative to amuse me. Haha. Thanks, dude. Maybe I should put that kind of nick more often. Haha. Strategy, beb!
Oh yeah I thought the party was boring too. While my sec 3 friends got to be the games IC, i had to be part of the game team. Besides that, the performance was a disaster I think. Started practicing in the morning at about 8 and 2 hours later we already have to report in school. Disaster I tell you. Won't do this kind of things again in the future. I guess that's about it arh.
Returning to school tomorrow...