Saturday, August 28, 2004
Got to know that he's working as a bartender. Hmm okaaaayyyy.
Gon get a new handphone in 2 wks time. Weeeee~~~~
The class is celebrating Ms Tham's birthday tomorrow. Wonder how it will turn out. Mum agreed to fry fishballs for us. If 35 people are coming, approximately each pax will get to eat 2 fishballs. Haha.
I wanted to buy this kimono shirt just now but the thread had come out. Finally put it back cos it was the last piece. sigh.
Mai was sitting on the floor while I was trying out the clothings. she must has hated my preening and pouting in front of the dressing room mirror as I fished for compliments. wahaha. sorry la girl.
Maybe leaving early after the party 2moro. Maybe accompanying Wani watch Aziz's soccer match. She finally confessed that Halim is a matrep. Haha. Pity her.
Oh yah dudette, pls remember that you haven't studied for your maths test on Monday.
Ok2... I shall go now.