Sunday, May 07, 2006
if you look at the right side of this page, you can see that I am no more in a junior college but I'm majoring in psychology instead. I have been busy for the past week - transferring out of school, saying goodbye to the teachers and lovely friends I have made at CJC, and preparing for registration at my new school which I will be revealing later.
the reason why I chose to quit JC to do diploma and degree in psychology is because the latter is where my interest lies. I have no problems with my studies whatsoever in JC . neither do I have any issues with the people there. haha. perhaps my frequent latecoming and getting caught for improper uniform play some parts in my departure. but well, that's beside the point.
I mean... since my father can afford the cost for private school, why not go for it? Path School of Technology and Management provides an express degree course in psychology for just 3 years or so. if I were to follow the traditional route of doing 'A' levels and then go on to do degree in university for another 3 years, I would take a longer time to graduate. and to be a qualified psychologist is a rather long process. a degree is definitely not just what it takes to be one. I still have to do masters and by 'masters' I mean 2nd upper class or better.
the foundation psychology will resume tomorrow and once the subjects are over, I'll go on to do diploma, specialist diploma and degree subsequently. masters will be done either at a local university or overseas. can't believe I'm already embarking on a journey to my career so soon.
that aside, I've been single for 3 years plus now! haha. before you start accusing me for being abnormal, let me clarify that I am perfectly fine. not that I lack of suitors though. hahahahaha. riiiiiiigghht.
I am just not good at balancing studies and relationship. maybe that was the past. now that I'm more matured, who knows things might change. but I'm not going to take risks. yes, I know how it feels like to be rejected. I have gone through that before.
but... the time is just not right.