Sunday, January 22, 2006
while at my relative's place yesterday, I discovered some very interesting facts.
the lady whom I call "auntie" all this while is actually my cousin and I should be calling her "sister" instead. and this lady is already 50 years old bearing 5 children; the eldest being 28 years old and the youngest being 5 years old. therefore, her children, including those who are older than me, are actually my nieces and nephews. all the while I've been kissing the hands of those older than me in respect when they are the ones who should be kissing my hand instead. maybe they're oblivious to this too as our family line seems downright complicated. I was sitting on the couch with mouth agape when my auntie was doing the explanation.
most of my nieces are already married and already have children. so that makes me a grandmother! wow. selama ni aku perasaan kakak je. hahaha.
the mother to the lady aforementioned is ergo my auntie. but I've been addressing my auntie as "granny". it is just appropriate that I address her that way because she's already 60 plus. complicated isn't it?
on another note, my auntie, after all that complicated explanations, suddenly said that I look like this news presenter called Hazlina. she said that I have her features; my complexion, eyes, nose, my smile and my laughter even. but I didn't have an iota of a clue then who this Hazlina was. so I surfed the net for her picture and I found this.

and then I was browsing through my photos and I thought that maybe... just maybe, I do look like her.

hmm. interesting eh.