Thursday, January 12, 2006
it's darn cold outside. cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey. and inside, the temperature is at a freaking 18 degree celcius. can't help it la. I still need the air-conditioner to blow that degree of cold air in order for me to sleep.
(I'm already sleepy while writing this.)
swerving away from that note, I think I've been swarmed enough with the very infamous question whether I already have a boyfriend. suddenly I am thinking of how funny it is that most women are single for the same reason. the reason being we are looking for perfection all the time. but the thing is, we do know perfection doesn't exist! and in order for the guy to stand a chance of being The One with ourselves than any of the others, he HAS to be near perfect.
before I continue, stop the cerebration that I'm only going for the handsome guys.
physical appearance is not the only close connection to the word 'perfect' anyway. truth be told, I hate, perhaps dislike, guys who are damn vainglorious. for example, I don't favour this guy who used to be close to my cousin. when I check my cousin's handphone out, the gallery section, I always see pictures of the guy doing different poses. when my cousin comes to my house to use the computer, this guy always shows off his pictures on MSN's display and will change them after every second. masyaallah.
I can never imagine myself having a boyfriend who spends more time in front of the mirror than I do and who always asks how he looks before we go out. oh, and who talks about himself all the time. it's already hard if women are drowned in vanity, what more men? when I started being vain, I had ached for long straight hair, the silken type, without a vestige of curl, and had tried the famous straightening method known to mankind thrice. see what I mean?
but when I say I don't like vain guys, I don't mean that I like the slacker type who won't even do his hair. I would want a guy who's a lil bit vain because it gives me the idea that he's making a tinge of effort to dress up as it is me who he is meeting up with. on the other hand, if he so vain he wears long sleeves collared tee with black covered shoes even when we promise to meet at Mcdonald's, he's telling me that he's trying too hard to please.
as much as we want our presence and minimalist style to turn heads without fanciful fluorishes, I know it's hard to do so unless you're blessed with natural beauty. but no matter how cliched this may sound, beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, no?
on another note, I don't fancy too mushy guys. it's okay to be lovey-dovey once in a while to perk up the relationship, but too much of it makes me have goosebumps all over my body. I do vaguely remember my ex-boyfriend saying something gauche about me smelling sweeter than any flower one day when we hanged out. gee. for all I know, he and I broke up after three months together. haha.
finally, pardon me if this sounds like a heinous remark. but I feel that some men are acting so selfishly that they look for fallible women to be their sex victims before marriage. however, when it comes to matrimony itself, they want a purely virgin lady. a man who has had sex before marriage ought to marry a woman who has also had sex before marriage. am I not right? it's fair and they will be guilt-free this way. at the very least, the other innocent people will not feel cheated by their own life partner.
I'm not saying this because I've experienced it whatsoever. but most guys whom I've met are full of arrogance, egotism, individuality, (fill in your own adjective here). and this simply explains why I prefer being single and happy. =)
that's my definition of perfection. I guess it all depends on yours too.