Sunday, May 21, 2006
I thought I was back in the game but now I beg myself to be out. at least till I recover from that memory.
yet again, I've gone through spectacular awful dates in the past weeks. don't get me wrong, I don't want to be attached to any guy at the moment but I do go on occasional dates. who knows I might gradually find the right one and when the time finally comes, we might just hook up.
but that's not the point now.
at the end of each date, I cursed myself for agreeing to it, then wonder how badly I possibly could have needed companionship to have thought it sounded like a good idea.
anyway, friends have been telling me the problem is ME. I am too picky. but it doesn't hurt to be one right?
I have since stopped contacting two guys whom I dated recently. the guys were pieces of shit and if I wasn't such a lady I'd punch them in the mouth. I don't see it as an affection but merely means to take advantage of the fairer sex.
in this case, I have the right to be picky right? it's not as though I only pick the handsome ones to date with... I'm just so scared of perverted men or worse still, men who look like the shy type but are actually hardcore kinky.
gee. just the thought of that makes my hair stand.
my eyes are getting heavy but given the amount of plain water I've imbibed the whole day, I probably would have to make frequent trips to the toilet and then get my sleep truncated.
school tomorrow!!